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ISO 9001

Detailed certification standards that offer trust for quality to all suppliers and buyers in the global market.

ISO 14001
ISO 45001
  • ISO is a worldwide federation established in 1946 with the goal of developing international specifications for production, trade and communication and is comprised of member organizations in over 110 countries. In the case of Korea and the US, representative institutes for ISO are the Korean Standards Association (KSA) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

  • The ISO 9000 series offers trust on quality to all suppliers and buyers in the global market, and it is an international certification standard to verify suitability for requests of buyers

CE Marking

Certification system according to EU standards on safety and quality.

  1. CE Marking proclaims whether a product is produced and manufactured according to EU standards for safety and quality, and it is a safety certification system for giving CE Marking. Some models with high risk (Machinery Directive Annex IV product) need certification of the EU’s certification institute.

  2. CE Marking is being carried out for machines, pressure containers, personal protection gear, low voltage machines, hot water boilers, medical equipment, satellite ground devices, construction materials, elevators, etc.

  3. Machines to be exported to the EU must have a CE Marking to pass customs and to allow distribution.

Construction Business Registration Certificates
Certificate of a Qualified Supplier
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